Common Law Search

Trademark Search

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Common Law Trademark Search Sources

The Common Law search is the most comprehensive trademark search available anywhere. A Common Law search will let you find out if anyone is using a similar trademark name even though they haven't filed a federal or state trademark. Our search is complete with the most authoritative and comprehensive collection of legal, news, business and public records content available. Common Law search includes looking for similar trademarks at sources including Newspapers, Magazines, Business Directories, Business & Financial Sources, Yellow Pages, Domain Name Registrations and more!

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News & Business Sources
  • •  30,000 trusted news, business and financial sources around the world - nearly double the resources of any other legal search information provider!
  • •  Business records with more than 12 million U.S. entries from all 50 States.
  • •  31,000+ financial articles on public and private business daily.
  • •  Analysis from Dun & Bradstreet®, Dow Jones®, Hoover's®, Standard & Poor's®, etc.
  • •  200+ newswires, including exclusive worldwide coverage from Dow Jones and Reuters® as well as other regional and industry newswires.
  • •  Program scripts from the BBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX and 100+ more.
  • •  Influential full-text blogs - more than 300.

Cases, Statutes and Administrative Materials
  • •  Head notes and Case Law Summaries are available on more than four million U.S. and State cases, including unreported cases.
  • •  Complete collection of federal and state statutes with "Official Publisher" status in 17 jurisdictions.
  • •  The United States Code Service and Lawyer's Edition for Supreme Court decisions.

Newspapers & Magazines

  • •  Today's News
  • •  All News (View List)
  • •  Major Newspapers (View List)
  • •  Current Abstracts
  • •  News Abstracts
  • •  Major Non-US Newspapers
  • •  US Newspapers (View List)
  • •  Major World Newspapers
  • •  Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations News
  • •  Markets and Industry News
  • •  Transcripts
  • •  Major World Publication
  • •  Ethnic News
  • •  US Newspapers and Wires
  • •  Web Blogs
  • •  Lifestyle Publications
  • •  Newsletter Stories
  • •  Sarbanes-Oxley News

Company & Financial
  • •  Hoover's Company Records
  • •  Standard & Poor's Corporate Descriptions Plus News, and Daily News
  • •  US Private Company Reports
  • •  US Public Company Reports
  • •  International Company Reports
  • •  Gale Brands and Their Companies
  • •  SEC Filings - Full Text & Abstracts
  • •  Mergers and Acquisitions Reports - Company Reports
  • •  The Executive Directories
  • •  EDGAR Online

Public Records
  • •  Dun & Bradstreet
  • •  Experian Business Reports
  • •  Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory
  • •  Franchise Index
  • •  National Group Files
  • •  Non-U.S. Companies
  • •  Yellow Page Business Directory
  • •  Other 3.8 billion public records!
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Order a trademark search with A trademark search at the federal, state and common-law level is the most comprehensive search anywhere. You can search a trademark name, phrase or design used in connection with a product or business service. Get started today and get a comprehensive trademark search!